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Sunday School

Our Sunday School consists of two departments, an adult department (directed in the Haitian Creole language) and a youth department (directed in English). Learn more about GCC Sunday School below.

Adult Department

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Youth Department

As teachers...

We are partners with 

the Holy Spirit. 

We teach, explain and model the truth and the Holy Spirit convicts and causes the Gospel of Jesus Christ to flourish in our students’ hearts.



  • To provide Bible study knowledge and experiences which causes the youth to be exposed to the whole counsel of God.

  • To target spiritual, intellectual and social transformation in the lives of our youth.

  • To address relevant issues youth face in today’s world.

  • To incorporate studies from both the Old and New Testament.

  • To introduce biblical concepts at the appropriate age

  • To produce spiritually healthy Christians that love, trust and obey God, and are ready to spread the gospel.

  • To train and encourage the youth to get involved in working for God in and/or outside of Gospel Crusade Church.




Our Motto is:


“A student is not above his teacher but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher”


Luke 6:40


Not only do we teach the gospel, but we believe we must live it. We have a God that will hold us accountable and expect us to be a role model of what we teach. Furthermore, we know we must model the transformation that we want from our students. Our students can only live up to what they see within us.

Students' Corner

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